Hello, internet! So I’ve decided to start keeping a log of more in-progress work that I’ve been chipping away at after hours. Much of this will be character and environment artwork of my own designs as I experiment with different styles. I’m a big fan of the lunch crunch scene that has been picking up online recently, and I’ll probably be posting some timelapse videos of sculpts from ZBrush and elsewhere. Thanks in advance for checking out my work here, and if you’re ever interested in critiquing, have comments, or even questions, feel free to message me on Twitter @davidmlally.
To kick things off, this is a character that I’ve worked on in the past few months, inspired by the designs of guys like Sean Galloway as well as some of the work that some friends at Carbine Studios are up to on the Wildstar MMO:
For this character, I started blocking out my basic forms for the silhouette in Maya, then eventually brought those into ZBrush as base meshes for higher-resolution sculpting. I went back on forth on how realistic to get with the detailing on this character, then ended up opting for something a bit more angular in silhouette, smooth on the surface, and less noisy in detail. I retopologized this guy in Topogun and set up a basic body rig in Maya. The face rig is considerably IP, but I hope to revisit that setup soon. I haven’t set up a full face rig since college so this is a good opportunity to dust off the cobwebs. The textures were painted in Photoshop, with AO and Normal maps baked in from Topogun/Maya. The renders above are from Maya’s Viewport 2.0, but I’ll hopefully be able to update again soon with this character displayed in something like UDK or Unity. Here he is again with some more views:
Thanks for checking him out! More to come soon.