I’ve put a little more time into my Jesse Pinkman piece, fleshing out a body and some base clothing that I can sculpt with. The body is an average/skinny build for Jesse, and similar to my ‘Wanderer’ project, I’ve dynameshed and remeshed this body to act as a collision mesh in Marvelous Designer. In MD, I setup a few base patterns for a long sleeve shirt, t-shirt, and jeans, tailored for Jesse. I’ve exported these into ZBrush where I’ll sculpt the details soon. I’d love to add a hoodie to this character, and am currently IP on the model for the sneakers. Thanks for taking a look!
The legend of Pinkman continues…
I didn’t spend too much time detailing the body, as it really just needed to act as a guide for cloth. I’ll revisit the hands to make sure that they’re properly detailed, since they’ll likely be the only visible body part, aside from the head, of course. 🙂 I’ll also be returning to the face for a polishing pass when I can. I’d like to revisit the hair and kind of exaggerate some face details so the normal map bake picks them up nicely. All texturing that you’ll see at the moment is temporary, including the color on the face. I’m just feeling out the read of the likeness.
Similar to the Wanderer project, this body was dynameshed and remeshed to create a Marvelous Designer collision object. I wasn’t entirely sure what level of silhouette accuracy and simulation speed I was after, so I generated two versions, one medium and one low resolution:
With this, I threw together some quick patterns to generate the long sleeve shirt, the t-shirt, and the jeans. I modeled the hat in Maya, rather than creating it in Marvelous. I’ll return to Marvelous to tailor the hoodie when I can, but that will be a bit more complex, so that may be its own future blog post. 🙂 For now, I’m focusing on the sneakers and addressing some remaining notes on the face and base clothing.
Updates for 10/24:
Hey all, I had some more time to setup the Marvelous pattern for the hoodie and model the sneakers. Here’s a look at the hoodie pattern in Marvelous, and the rest pose used. From here, I interactively posed the hoodie to put the hood down and make sleeve adjustments. These are all just base meshes to be used in ZBrush at a later date. I’m looking forward to sculpting that thing (and maybe doing a Modeling Minute or two with it)!
Updated for 10/25:
I’ve adjusted the character into more of an arms-down, brooding pose. I think I’ll have the infamous pack of cigarettes included in the model turntable to motivate the expression. As I’ve been going, I’ve been remeshing things quite a bit, making good use of ZRemesher in ZBrush to get topology in order, especially coming out of Marvelous with triangulated meshes.
I’m also through with the base models for the cloth and am looking forward to getting in there and sculpting it up! More to come soon.
With some sculpted refinements to the hoodie and jeans:
Thanks for taking a look!