This started as speed sculpt, but I ended up spending a bit more time on it because I sort of liked this little guy. The idea was that this strange hobbling creature would exists as something of a slow scavenger, clawing away at rocks for rare gems, and collecting them in his backpack made of bone. Or something like that. He has a plank-like device on his face that gives him something of a koala-like vibe when it’s down, but when he pulls it back to reveal menacingly sharp teeth, he’s pretty terrifying. Don’t worry though, he’s not much of a runner. In fact, his legs are so small that his primary mode of transportation is lunging around on his massive miner hands. Take a look:
This character was created mostly in ZBrush, but I eventually did a bit of retopologizing in Topogun, as well as baking the normal maps back into the low resolution geometry. Here are some wireframes and shaded views from Viewport 2.0 in Maya with the maps applied:
I haven’t taken the time to rig this creature just yet, but here are some extremely rough test poses that I did as I figured out how he would work: