Monsters University was the third Pixar film that I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of as both a Character Cloth Artist and a Crowds Shot Artist. Read More
Monsters University was the third Pixar film that I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of as both a Character Cloth Artist and a Crowds Shot Artist. Read More
Some time ago I had started working on a fantasy character design. I was learning ZBrush during that time and wasn’t as familiar with the tools as I am now. I decided to revisit that design and give it a complete overhaul, incorporating some other ideas that I’ve had into it. It’s still a work in progress, but here’s where I’m at. Read More
The anatomy studies continue with more male torso speed sculpts. I’m starting out rather ‘beefy’ while I get reacquainted with the muscle groups, but eventually I’d like my baseline to be something more average. Read More
This is an overview of a workflow that one might use to setup tailoring patterns inside of Marvelous Designer, which are then remeshed inside of Zbrush, with high-res details baked into cleaner, lower resolution geometry back in Maya.
This one is less of a tutorial and more of a general overview of how one might use Fibermesh inside of ZBrush and export those curves back into Maya for sim setup and rendering.
This started as speed sculpt, but I ended up spending a bit more time on it because I sort of liked this little guy. The idea was that this strange hobbling creature would exists as something of a slow scavenger, clawing away at rocks for rare gems, and collecting them in his backpack made of bone. Or something like that. Read More
A quick overview of using GoZ with other applications inside of ZBrush.
Hey guys,
Here’s a quick tutorial for using Layers in ZBrush that I posted to Vimeo. I hope it’s helpful!
Hey guys,
Just a couple of old speed sculpts here from a modeling group I’m a part of at work. For these sessions, we just picked random topics (usually just a handful of random words) and sculpt characters that match that theme. Here are a few: Read More